Set up to raise standards in the PRS, licensing and registration scheme Rent Smart Wales marks its fifth anniversary this month.
All landlords with properties in Wales, and agents managing them must have a RSW licence to legally operate.
The NRLA is an approved RSW training provider and, as the first of the five-year licences come up for renewal we put the spotlight on the NRLA offer for landlords and agents.
The course forms part of the licence application and delegates have to pass an assessment at the end.
It is available both as a virtual classroom course and via our eLearning system and covers:
- The licensing requirements and code of practice for Rent Smart Wales
- How to effectively prepare and set up a tenancy
- The legal obligations for keeping property in good repair
- The requirements for serving notice and ending a tenancy legally
The next virtual classroom courses, which run from 9.30am-4.30pm will be held on:
- Wednesday 11th November 2020
- Thursday 10th December 2020
For more information on the virtual landlord course and the eLearning equivalent click here.
Agents are required to complete a different course, for more information, please click here.