Exclusive MEES webinar announced – book your place
With the Government announcing plans to introduce an EPC rating of C on all rental properties by 2030, and a new higher cost cap of £15,000 per property, landlords already navigating the forthcoming changes in the Renters’ Rights Bill will face further challenges ahead.
The NRLA is hosting a special member-only webinar at 11.00am on Thursday 20 February, covering all the important aspects of the Government’s Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards proposals.
Given the timescale the Government set out, we believe 5,000 homes a day will need to be retrofitted. There is already a shortfall of 166,000 tradespeople to aid the transformation process. As we set out this week, the Government’s plans must be realistic, otherwise tenants will end up paying the price.
What you need to know
There will also be plenty of advice on how to manage the proposed changes and our work to keep fighting on behalf of our members for a workable solution.
Our chief executive Ben Beadle has already confirmed the NRLA will ask the Government to implement a more realistic timeframe to meet the proposed new standard, as well as a financial package to support you to make the required upgrades.
We are delighted that Anna Moore, CEO of retrofitting specialists Domna, will be our guest speaker for the webinar.
This exclusive event is for NRLA members only and you can submit a question to our panel in advance at [email protected]
In the meantime, sign up for our webinar by clicking here.
- Need an EPC? Order one in seconds using Safe2, the NRLA's compliance arm. Click here.