Listen Up Landlords Live! Sign up for your free ticket today
As part of the NRLA's five-year anniversary celebrations we are inviting you to join us for a live recording of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords.
We will be recording the show at Salford University's Digital Performance Lab at Manchester's Media City on April 1 with free tickets available for up to 100 members.
Listen Up Landlords was first broadcast in January 2021, offering members a mixture of news, views and practical support and advice on all aspects of lettings, with last month's recording marking the 50th episode.
Sponsored by retrofit specialists Domna the live recording will cover everything from from the Renters’ Rights Bill and new minimum energy efficiency standards for the private rented sector to the very latest investment hotspots.
Our presenters, NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle and experience landlord Richard Blanco will be joined by an expert panel of guests including Carly Jerymn, a property solicitor and CEO of Woodstock legal services, who will be discussing the impact of the Renters’ Rights Bill, and seasoned investor and NRLA trainer Henry Davis. Henry, who has been in the property business for 30 years, deliver's the association's Property Refurbishment and Key to Property Investment courses and will be sharing his trade secrets when it comes to managing development and refurbishment projects.
We will also be answering your questions, so if there is something you would like to ask the panel, please submit it to [email protected]. If it is chosen for inclusion, you will be given the chance to ask it in person at the event on April 1.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the business, Listen Up Landlords Live will give you the opportunity to find out more about where the sector is heading, and take a glimpse behind the scenes when it comes to how our industry-leading podcast is recorded.
Further speakers to be announced, with tea and coffee to be served ahead of recording. For all the latest keep an eye on our news site and social media channels.
To find out more, and to reserve your free ticket click here.