ICO fees up by a third - have you paid yours?
Landlords who electronically handle personal information are reminded they need to pay their annual fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), with the figure rising by almost 30%.
The ICO is the regulator for data protection and landlords need to pay the fee if they store personal information on a computer or phone or use CCTV, with failure to comply resulting in fines of up to £4,000.
For organisations with 10 or fewer employees (defined as micro-organisations), the fee has risen from £40 to £52 a year and for small to medium sized organisations, from £60 to £78.
Do I need to register?
Most landlords need to register with the ICO, as outlined in the advice given by the NRLA here. You can register by following this link. In certain cases, you may be exempt, so click here to find out more.
If you’d like to learn more about data protection and General Date Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a landlord, why not take the NRLA's eLearning training course.