Partners and Suppliers Landlord Broadband 17/06/2024

3 tips for creating fast wi-fi happy tenants and avoiding negative reviews

A happy tenant makes for a peaceful property portfolio. And nothing makes tenants happier (or guests, if you’re in the serviced accommodation business) than fast internet!  

In today’s digital world, the ability to surf the web at the speed of light is as treasured as water. If you don’t provide this to your guests or tenants, then prepare yourself for regular phone calls and WhatsApp complaints when Netflix freezes. 

Fast internet is a ‘must’ for most people. And if you don’t have it, then you can expect a higher turnover rate in your HMO properties and a slew of bad reviews from short-term guests. 

So, to help you avoid these issues, and create a peaceful life, here are our top three tips for ensuring a quality internet connection in your investment properties.

Avoid Dead Zones

A ‘Dead Zone’ is the result of poor Wi-Fi design. You’ll often see this if the router is installed in a communal area on the ground floor. In this instance, the rooms nearby have a strong signal, but for the signal to reach the far corners of the upper floors, additional equipment will likely be required.  

If you have tenants staying in converted attics, or you have a property with multiple stories, then tenants further away from the router will be in ‘dead zones’ with slow, or no, internet connection. 

Mesh Wi-Fi is a popular option for overcoming this problem. It works by creating a unified Wi-Fi network by using multiple units that wirelessly communicate with each other. 

The placement of the Mesh equipment must be designed correctly. If the equipment is plugged into areas with a weak signal, it will hinder the service further. 

It is worth noting that mesh Wi-Fi is only suitable for smaller HMOs. Larger HMOs and purpose-built developments require more complex solutions, with networked equipment and cabled Wi-Fi- access points. 

What speed internet should I install? 

You don’t want to be paying lots of money for ultra-fast internet if it’s not needed. There are a lot of misconceptions in the telecommunications industry, with ‘speed promises’, up-to-speeds and achievable speeds. Fast internet’ and the amount of bandwidth installed is only one part of the puzzle when it comes to satisfying your tenants.  

There isn’t a particular speed you should aim for. It depends on the investment property, its layout, how many tenants are using the service and their requirements. For example, fast internet in a holiday let in the Lake District will require less intensive, high-speed internet than a student HMO.  

What’s important is ensuring that your entire property has access to a robust Wi-Fi network (no dead zones) and there is the correct capacity to suit your client demographic.  

Have a managed service

A managed service is worth its weight in gold. Well, unless you want to spend Sunday mornings switcher routers on and off while someone talks technical jargon down the phone to you because the Wi-Fi has stopped working! 

Managed service providers (MSPs) are your internet service provider (ISP) but are also the point of contact for tenants and guests. This means that you and your tenants have one point of contact for anything internet-related, so if the Wi-Fi cuts off, it’s us who gets the call, not you. Our tenant support desk is 24 hours a day 365 days a year, so even if tenants face an issue while they’re streaming films over Christmas, you won’t be disturbed.  

A provider who understands you and your portfolio

At Landlord Broadband, we specialise in helping landlords like you. We understand you, your portfolio and the common issues that come along with it. We know how to keep tenants in an HMO purpose-built development happy with super-fast connectivity, and we know what internet service your guests expect on a holiday retreat. 

Our end-to-end service includes everything from analysing your property to discovering what Wi-Fi setup it needs, all the way to installation and acting as a point of contact for your tenants.