Industry News NRLA Communications Team

Rental reform must work for tenants and responsible landlords

A Renters’ Rights Bill will be introduced to parliament by the newly-elected Labour Government, it was revealed today.

The announcement was made in the King's Speech, which outlines the Government's priorities for the coming year and reiterated its commitment to ending Section 21, so-called ‘no fault’ repossessions.

The Bill also includes the much-publicised plans to end rental bidding wars and improve the standard and safety of rental properties.

Chris Norris, Policy Director for the National Residential Landlords Association, said it is vital that whatever replaces Section 21 works for both landlords and tenants.

He said: “With an average of 15 households chasing every available home to rent it is vital that rental reform does not make an already serious supply crisis in the private rented sector worse.  

“The system that replaces Section 21 needs to be fair, workable and sustainable for both responsible landlords and renters. That means fixing a broken justice system which too often fails those reliant upon it.

“The Housing Minister has rightly noted that landlords need the courts to operate quickly where they have a good reason to repossess a property. This includes cases of tenant anti-social behaviour and serious rent arrears, which currently take almost seven months to process. This is far too long.

“Tenants are no better served by delays, which increase hardship, stress, and uncertainty. We need action from the Government, alongside the Bill, to ensure all are able to access justice in a timely fashion when they need to do so.

“We will work constructively with the Government as it continues to work on the detail of its plans.”

The NRLA has already begun meeting with senior politicials and, with the Government’s agenda for parliamentary business now set, will continue to represent members at the very highest level, as well as providing analysis and guidance on the changes up ahead.

More information

  • If you’d like to read the King’s Speech in more detail, you can access the details in full here.
  • NRLA members can join our exclusive member webinar next Wednesday, 24 July, taking a deep dive into the Government’s priorities over the next Parliamentary session.
  • Look out for further detailed analysis on the announcements in the King’s Speech in your Friday enews