Industry News NRLA Communications Team 24/10/2024

NRLA proposals accepted by Welsh Government as it rejects rent controls

The Welsh Government has accepted NRLA’s proposals for positive reform of the  private rented sector - and rejected calls for rent controls - in a new report out today.

It has listened to the NRLA, which lobbied on the issue of proposed rent capping; warning it would further reduce the supply of high-quality rented accommodation in Wales.

In its Fair Rents & Adequate Housing White Paper the Government is also seeking views on another NRLA recommendation – a proposal that a higher rate Land Transaction Tax rebate be introduced for landlords purchasing properties to let via Leasing Scheme Wales.

The association has argued this will incentivise investment, increasing the supply of homes for those in most acute housing need.

The NRLA has welcomed the White Paper, which proposes a range of measures the Government believes can help improve the supply and condition of rental homes, and can be read in full here.

Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the NRLA said: "Introducing rent controls would be a disastrous move, which would reduce choice and drive up costs. I am delighted that the Government has opted to support supply rather than throw up more barriers to housing provision.

"Ultimately, we want to see a thriving market which provides the best quality accommodation for tenants desperately in need of homes.

"We look forward to working with the Welsh Government to shape their proposals in a way that works for all groups across the private rented sector."

  • #welshprs
  • #fairrents
  • #adequatehousing
NRLA Communications Team

NRLA Communications Team

The voice of the NRLA

The Communications Team handles all press-related matters, working with journalists and NRLA representatives, to ensure that the voice of landlords is heard in the media.

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