National Residential Landlords Association
February 2021

Top stories

NRLA plans focus of Parliamentary talks

NRLA plans focus of Parliamentary talks

The NRLA’s Renters’ Reform Bill proposals were debated this week at the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the PRS. Chief Executive Ben Beadle presented plans to politicians and industry figures.

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Green Homes Grants must change

Green Homes Grants must change

Just 6% of Green Homes Grant cash has been spent according to new figures out this month, despite huge interest in the scheme among landlords. The NRLA shares Ministers' concerns over eligibility.

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Chancellor must respond to rent debt crisis

Chancellor must respond to rent debt crisis

The NRLA has joined forces with groups including Crisis, Shelter and The Big Issue to issue a joint statement calling on the Chancellor to take action to tackle the rent debt crisis building in the private rented sector.

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Empty home levels hit a record high

Empty home levels hit a record high

More than a quarter of a million homes in England are lying empty, despite record numbers of people being desperately in need of somewhere to live. The 268,385 figure is up 20% on the previous year.

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Peers share NRLA call for support

Peers share NRLA call for support

The NRLA has been name-checked multiple times in the House of Lords as a result of its calls for more financial support to help renters pay off rent arrears built due to the pandemic.

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Blog: TDS on evidence for deposit claims

Blog: TDS on evidence for deposit claims

Ever wondered how an adjudicator reaches their decision when dealing with a deposit dispute? Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) explains what you’ll need to support your case.

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Wales: Possession reform bill passed

Wales: Possession reform bill passed

The Welsh Parliament has approved a Bill designed to give tenants greater security of tenure, due to come into force in Spring 2022 as part of widespread reform to the private rented sector.

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Blog: getting valuations right

Blog: getting valuations right

Few questions are more important to a landlord than “How do I accurately value a property?” Here, Michael Dent founder of PropertyData looks at what you can do to make sure you are doing it right.

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Renter's Reform: Lifetime deposits

Renter's Reform: Lifetime deposits

What are lifetime deposits? And how will the scheme operate? Campaigns officer Alexandra Williams explains one of the changes planned under the Government's Renters' Reform Bill.

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Landlords' mental heath - share your story

Landlords' mental heath - share your story

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on mental health across society. This, of course, includes landlords. We want to hear your stories for a feature on the issue.

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Your latest local licensing update

Your latest local licensing update

Our licensing blog looks at some of the selective and additional licensing consultations we are urging landlords to respond to, as well as a brand-new resource for HMO landlords.

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Your training and events update: March

Your training and events update: March

With our programme of classroom courses still on ice, here are details of our virtual programme of courses and events for March, including national and regional webinars.

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Renters' Reform Bill: FAQs on the NRLA's proposals


Landlord confidence continues its downward trajectory in the capital - despite cautious optimism elsewhere. To read more click here.